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Congratulations on getting your first pair of contact lenses in your life! With these tips, you’ll be surprised how simple you'll get used to contact lenses and make them a part of your daily routine! 

It’s a very exciting time but, as with anything new, it might be a little scary too. Most importantly, contact lenses are high-tech medical devices and your vision is one of your most valued senses. As such, it’s vital to make good options so you stay comfortable, peace and safe. Here are some simple guidelines on the best way to put in contacts:

  1. Just Relax. People always worry that they’ll scratch their eyes while putting their lenses in or in the worst case—What if a contact gets stuck? Relax. Inserting and removing lenses might make you nervous at first, however, there is no need to be fear to touch your eye as long as your hands are clean. Plus, the inside of your eyelids are connected to the back of your eye, so your lenses can’t possibly slip into an abyss. 
  2. Learn to Put on Your Contacts
      First, wash your hands. Place the contact lens on the tip of your index finger so the edge of the lens is pointing up. Then hold your finger up directly in front of your eyes so you can look at the lens from the side. If your contact forms a perfect cup-shape with the edge perfectly upright, the lens is correctly oriented and is ready to be placed on your eye. 

With one hand, pull your upper eyelid up and your bottom eyelid down to prevent blinking. Move the lens toward your eye. Look upwards so you’re not looking directly at the contact.

Place the lens in your eye. Let go of your eyelids and close your eye so the contact can settle. Repeat with your other eye.

3. Always Clean Your Lenses. Don’t take shortcuts with lens cleaning procedures. Follow with your eye doctor’s directions, designed to provide the best care and performance for your particular wearing and cleaning context. For instance, if you are advised to use a multipurpose solution, every time you remove your lenses, you should rub and rinse and then place them into fresh solution. Don’t just top off the solution that’s already in the case.

4. Hydrate. It’s crucial to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water whether or not you wear contact lenses. The key to comfortable contacts is keeping them MOIST. Without hydration, contacts can irritate your eyes and may even scratch them. Moreover, depending on your lifestyle and environment, you may wish to supplement your fluid intake with re-wetting drops for your eyes. For instance, people who spend a lot of time on the visual display unit or are exposed to dry air, heating or air conditioning often benefit from eye drops—even if they don’t wear contacts. Consult to your doctor about which drops are best for you. 

5. Follow your eye care professional recommendations. Use only the products that are recommended by your eye doctor. Don’t switch lens care products, even for a store brand, without checking with your doctor first. The solution you have was chosen particularly for your type of lens, so don’t make assumptions based on broadly-defined packaging labels. It’s also important to keep your appointments or follow-up schedule with your eye doctor.

6. Follow the Wearing and Replacement Schedules. Don’t try to write your own rules. To ensure your contacts function correctly, always follow your prescription. Don't sleep with your lenses on or wear them for longer than what your eye doctor ordered. Extended wear contacts are the only lenses you can sleep in. Also, always replace your lenses on time and don’t try to stretch out the life of your lenses an extra week. By following the instructions, you'll avoid problems and won't risk damaging your eyes.
 7.Self-Check Your Contacts

Ask yourself these questions:

-How do the contacts feel? Is there anything unusual going on? With your conscious thought on how they feel, you can determine if your lenses should be removed or not.

-How do my eyes look? An inspection in the mirror can tell you if the contacts are sitting properly. You should also look for any redness in your eyes as a sign that something is not right.

-Is my vision fine? Contacts help you to see better, so if you can’t see and you should when they go in, that’s a symptom that something is out of place.

8. What to Do When There's a Problem

Here’s what to do for some common issue after your self-check.

Irritation or Dryness

Your eyes feel irritated or dry, even when hydrating them regularly. There are a few possible reasons for this. Your contacts may not be fitting properly or something may have gotten into your eyes. There may also be a problem with your eyes themselves. By removing the contacts and cleaning them, you could try putting them in again or you could see your eye care professional for help.

Visible Contacts

If you look close enough in the mirror, you should notice your contacts. But they will hardly be visible from anything other than a point-blank distance. If they are obvious as you look in the mirror, they may not be in your eyes correctly. Reinsert them to fix the misalignment.

Blurry Vision

Your vision is still blurry or you have other troubles seeing while you're wearing your contacts. If this happens, remove your contacts and try putting them in again. If that doesn’t fix the problem, it may be best to visit the optometrist again.

Learning how to do anything new takes time. In fact, it may take about a week until you adapt to your new life with contact lenses and feel truly confident. But when you’re ready for contacts, they become a part of your daily routine, and with any new habit, you just need a little practice.

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